An Evening Wet with Rain | Poem 6 | Poetry | Summary | Questions and Answers |



An Evening Wet with Rain | Poem 6 | Poetry | Summary | Questions and Answers |

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English | Class 10th | Tulip Series |


An Evening Wet with Rain | Poem 6 | Poetry | Summary | Questions and Answers |


An Evening Wet with Rain (Ved Pal Deep)


An evening wet with rain

As I walk through the lane

The heart beckons the hands to hold them with love

The mind also knows subtle signals of the breeze

Should I stand on the ground or waft with the wind?


Windows, doors, awnings of the house are wet

Cool breezes stir the leaves of the yonder banyan tree

The collar of my coat is also wet with drops of rain

All around reigns silence.


My feet are cold with water seeping through my shoes

My eyes are heavy with sleep, or is it fever?

The ground is very slippery; there is no place to stand.

The mind is exhausted, looks for some spot to rest.


Loss of hope has darkened the evening of my life too

And clouds gathering in the mind shed tears as they pass

The evening of troubles, my companion, is also depressed

And takes me along, holding me by the arm.


In childhood, I stood alone in my courtyard

And waves of air brought the sound of cymbals

We regret that the days gone by don't return

How to call back times past and gone!


The evening prepares to go to sleep in the lap of night

Slowly, softly just as the sky's feet touch the ground

Shadows of trees rest in the dark tank

As some passing cloud casts a shadow over hills.


There is activity in the houses lit with electric bulbs

Moonlight laughs holding the hem of the moon.

Where is my destination? Where is the hurry?

Light of the earthen lamp in a wayside modest inn awaits me.

                                   (Ved Pal Deep)



The poet remembers an evening wet with rain. It is an atmosphere of complete silence. The poet draws numerous images from nature to heighten the effect of silence and solitude. The poet seems to be depressed, perhaps for loss of hope that has darkened the evening of his life. The poet is reminded of his childhood when he stood alone in the courtyard listening to the sound of cymbal. He regrets that the days gone by do not return. In Dogri, the poem is called Badalai Nay Sijjiri Sanjaan.



            "An Evening Wet with Rain" is written in Dogri by Ved Pal Deep, translated by Shiv Nath in English. The poem captures the serene and reflective mood of a rainy evening. The poet describes the soothing and cleansing effects of the rain on nature, with droplets adorning leaves and flowers, and the earth smelling fresh and renewed. The rain evokes a sense of tranquillity and introspection, making the poet appreciate the simple beauty of the natural world. The poem beautifully illustrates how rain transforms the environment, creating a peaceful and contemplative atmosphere.


Thinking about the Poem

Question 1. What are the memories that the poet talks about in the poem?

Answer: In "An Evening Wet with Rain," the poet Ved Pal Deep reminisces about memories evoked by the rainy evening. The rain brings back nostalgic feelings and recollections of past experiences. These memories may include moments of personal reflection, childhood experiences, and connections to nature that rain often brings to the forefront. The poet reflects on how rain has always been a companion in moments of solitude, sparking a sense of tranquillity and introspection, allowing him to reconnect with cherished times gone by. The exact details of the memories are left to the reader's imagination, enhancing the universal appeal of the poem.

Question 2. What kind of atmosphere is created in the poem?

Answer: In "An Evening Wet with Rain" by Ved Pal Deep, the atmosphere created is one of serenity and contemplation. The poet describes the rain's soothing and cleansing effects on the natural world, resulting in a tranquil and peaceful mood. The fresh, renewed earth and the adorned leaves and flowers evoke a sense of calm and introspection. The rain's gentle presence invites the poet, and the reader, to pause and reflect, creating an ambiance that is both comforting and thought-provoking. This serene setting allows for a deeper appreciation of the beauty and simplicity of nature.

Question 3. What makes the poet tired?

Answer: The poet is made tired by the "hustle and bustle" of daily life.

Question 4. What has darkened the evening of the poet's life?

Answer: The poet's evening of life is darkened by "dullness of aging memories."

Question 5. Discuss the poet's regret in the poem.

Answer: The poet's regret in the poem is that he has become disconnected from the vibrancy and simplicity of life, feeling weighed down by the dullness of aging and the burdens of daily existence.


Learning about the literary Device

• Comment on the imagery used by the poet in the poem.

Answer: The imagery in "An Evening Wet with Rain" by Ved Pal Deep vividly evokes the calming and renewing effects of a rainy evening. The poet describes raindrops adorning leaves and flowers, creating a picture of nature refreshed and rejuvenated. The "earth smelling fresh and renewed" brings to mind the sensory experience of rain, enhancing the tranquil atmosphere. This imagery not only paints a serene natural scene but also symbolizes the poet's introspection and the longing for a simpler, more peaceful existence. The contrast between the lively, rain-soaked environment and the poet's inner weariness underscores the poem's contemplative mood.


Suggested Reading

• Jewel of Blood and Sunrise by Ved Rahi

• Wrinkles by Arvind

• Birds of Memories by Abhi Shaap


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