The Wonderful Words | Melody - VI | Summary | Questions and Answers



The Wonderful Words | Melody - VI | Summary | Questions and Answers


English | Melody VII

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Unit 6
Summary | Questions | Answers |

Poem 6. The Wonderful Words (Mary O’Neil)

Never let a thought shrivel and die

For want of a way to say it

For English is a wonderful game

And all of you can play it.

All that you do is match the words

To the brightest thoughts in your head

So that they come out clear and true

And handsomely groomed and fed—

For many of the loveliest things

Have never yet been said.

Words are the food and dress of thought

They give it its body and swing

And everyone’s longing today to hear

Some fresh and beautiful thing;

But only words can free a thought

From its prison behind your eyes

May be your mind is holding now

A marvellous new surprise!

(Mary O’Neill)


Short Summary

         "The Wonderful Words" by Mary O’Neil is a poem that celebrates the beauty and power of language. It emphasizes that words are a wonderful tool for expressing thoughts and ideas. The poet encourages readers to use words to share their inner world with others, highlighting the magic that happens when words bring ideas to life. The poem inspires a sense of wonder about the ability of words to communicate, persuade, and connect people, urging everyone to embrace and enjoy the richness of language.

Working With the Poem

Question 1. With your partner, complete the following sentences in your own words using the ideas in the poem.

(i) Do not let a thought shrivel and die because ————

Answer: (i) Do not let a thought shrivel and die because you could not find the right words to express it.

(ii) English is a ——————— with words that everyone can play.

Answer: (ii) English is a treasure chest with words that everyone can play.

(iii) One has to match ——————

Answer: (iii) One has to match actions with words.

(iv) Words are the ——————— of thought.

Answer: Words are the expression of thought.

Question 2. In groups of four discuss the following lines and their meanings.

(i)     All that you do is match the words

To the brightest thoughts in your head

Answer: These lines suggest that your actions should reflect the best and most positive ideas you have, emphasizing the importance of aligning words with thoughtful intentions for effective communication or action.

(ii)    For many of the loveliest things

Have never yet been said

Answer: These lines suggest that beauty and profundity often transcend verbal expression, implying that some experiences and emotions are so deep and unique that words fail to capture them adequately.

(iii)   And everyone’s longing today to hear

Some fresh and beautiful thing

Answer: These lines express a universal desire for novelty and beauty, reflecting humanity's continuous yearning for new and inspiring experiences.

(iv)   But only words can free a thought

From its prison behind your eyes

Answer: These lines emphasize the power of language: while thoughts remain trapped in the mind, only through words can they be articulated and shared with others, enabling thoughts to be expressed and understood.


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