Desert Animals | Melody - VI | Summary | Questions and Answers



Desert Animals | Melody - VI | Summary | Questions and Answers


English | Melody VII

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Unit 9
Summary | Questions | Answers |

Lesson 9. Desert Animals

Short Summary

Deserts are among the driest places on Earth, with some going months or years without rain. Desert animals, such as gerbils and darkling beetles, have adapted to these harsh conditions in various ways. There are over 2,300 types of snakes worldwide, with a few being extremely poisonous. The rattlesnake, a common American desert snake, has a distinctive rattle and is feared for its venomous bite, though it prefers to avoid humans. Mongooses, known for their ability to kill snakes, hunt in groups and communicate with each other to stay safe from predators. They raise their young communally. Camels, domesticated thousands of years ago, are well-adapted to desert life. They have humps that store fat, allowing them to survive when food is scarce, and can drink large quantities of water quickly. There are two types of camels: the single-humped Dromedary and the double-humped Bactrian camel.


Working With the Text




1. Talk to your partner and say whether the following statements are true or false.

(i) No animal can survive without water.

(ii) Deserts are endless sand dunes.

(iii) Most snakes are harmless.

(iv) Snakes cannot hear, but they can feel vibrations through the ground.

(v) Camels store water in their humps.


(i) No animal can survive without water. True

(ii) Deserts are endless sand dunes. False

(iii) Most snakes are harmless. True

(iv) Snakes cannot hear, but they can feel vibrations through the ground. True

(v) Camels store water in their humps. False

2. Answer the following questions.

(i) How do desert animals survive without water? (1)

Answer: Desert animals have evolved various strategies to survive without water. For instance, gerbils stay cool by living in underground burrows during the hottest parts of the day. Darkling beetles capture moisture on their legs and drink it. Some animals, like camels, can drink large amounts of water quickly and store it, while others get moisture from the food they eat. These adaptations help them cope with the extreme dryness and heat of the desert environment.

(ii) How do mongooses kill snakes? (6)

Answer: Mongooses kill snakes by using their fast reactions and agility. They dodge each strike from the snake and keep harassing it until the snake becomes tired. Once the snake is exhausted, the mongoose swiftly dives in for the kill, taking advantage of the snake's weakened state. Their quick movements and persistence make them effective snake hunters without getting hurt themselves.

(iii) How does the hump of the camels help them to survive when there is no water? (9)

Answer: The humps of camels help them survive when there is no water by acting as storage containers for fat. This fat can be metabolized into energy and water when food and water are scarce. As the camel uses up the stored fat, the humps shrink, allowing the camel to endure long periods without eating or drinking. This adaptation is crucial for their survival in harsh desert environments.

B. Read the words/phrases in the box. With your partner find their meaning in the dictionary.


Harsh conditions, harmless, survive, intruder,

Threatened, predators, prey, continually


Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the above words/phrases.

All animals in forests and deserts struggle to ————— in ———————. Though most of the animals are —————, some are dangerous when —————. If an ———— is noticed, they attack or bite to save themselves. They struggle —————— for food and water. Some animals are called ————— because they —————— on other animals.


All animals in forests and deserts struggle to survive in harsh conditions. Though most of the animals are harmless, some are dangerous when threatened. If an intruder is noticed, they attack or bite to save themselves. They struggle continually for food and water. Some animals are called predators because they prey on other animals.


Look at these sentences.

* Deserts are the driest places on earth.

* Gerbils spend the hottest part of the day in cool underground burrows.

Now form pairs. Ask questions using a suitable form of the word in brackets. Try to answer the questions too.

Do you know

1. Which animal is the ______________ (tall)?

2. Which animal runs the ______________ (fast)?

3. Which place on earth is the _______________ (hot) or the _______________ (cold)?

4. Which animal is the ______________ (large)?

5. Which is the ————————— (tall) mountain in the world?

6. Which is the _____________ (rainy) place on earth?

7. Which is the ______________ (old) living animal?

Thinking About Language

A. Look at these sentences.

* Most snakes are quite harmless, but a few are poisonous.

* Most snakes lay eggs, but the rattlesnake gives birth to its young.

Now write five sentences like these using ‘most’ and the clues below.

1. (90% of) people are honest (10%) are dishonest.

2. (Lots of) fruit have plenty of sugar, (some) citrus fruit are low in sugar.

3. (Every soft drink except this one) has lots of ‘empty calories.

4. (The majority of) films are romances, (a few) are on other topics.

5. (A majority of) people agree that he is a good leader, (just a few) disagree.


1. Most people are honest but a few are dishonest.

2. Most fruits have plenty of sugar, but some citrus fruits are low in sugar.

3. Most soft drinks has lots of ‘empty calories but this one has good calories.

4. Most films are romances, but a few are on other topics.

5. Most people agree that he is a good leader, but a few disagree.


B. Look at these sentences.

* Animals cannot survive for long without water.

* So, desert animals have to find different ways of coping.

The first sentence says what cannot happen or be done; the second tells us what must, therefore, be done, what it is necessary to do.

Complete these sentences using cannot and have to/has to.

1. You —————— reach the island by land or air; you ——————— go by boat.

2. We —————— see bacteria with our eyes; we —————— look at them through a microscope.

3. He —————— have a new bicycle now; he ——————— wait till next year.

4. Old people often ——————— hear very well; they ——————— use a hearing aid.

5. Road users —————— do what they wish; they ————— follow the traffic rules.

6. She ——————— accept this decision; she ——————— question it.

7. You —————— believe everything you hear; you —————— use your own judgement.


1. You cannot reach the island by land or air; you have to go by boat.

2. We cannot see bacteria with our eyes; we have to look at them through a microscope.

3. He cannot have a new bicycle now; he has to wait till next year.

4. Old people often cannot hear very well; they have to use a hearing aid.

5. Road users cannot do what they wish; they have to follow the traffic rules.

6. She cannot accept this decision; she has to question it.

7. You cannot believe everything you hear; you have to use your own judgement.


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