An Alien Hand | Lets Read - VII | Summary | Questions and Answers



An Alien Hand | Lets Read - VII | Summary | Questions and Answers


English | Let’s Read VII
(Supplementary Reader in English for Class VII)


‘Let’s Read’ is another English Book for Class 7th. It is a supplementary reader in English for this class. JANDKNCERT.COM – will try to provide easy solutions for each and every lesson of this book. In the library of JANDKNCERT, you will find almost all kinds of study material including recently introduced English for JK UT students, that is, Let’s Read VII, and Melody VII ‘Honeycomb’ version of ncert. Some chapters in this series have already been added to Tulip Series of Class 7th and you can check these chapters by clicking this link Here we will try to provide you easy solutions for the lesson ‘An Alien Hand’.

You can also visit here to check the solutions of English 7th – Melody VII

Summary | Questions | Answers |

Lesson 7. An Alien Hand (Jayant Narlikar)

Short Summary

"An Alien Hand" by Jayant Narlikar is a science fiction story that follows the adventures of Tilloo, a young boy living in a subterranean human colony on Mars. Curiosity leads Tilloo to explore forbidden areas, where he discovers the colony's efforts to monitor and protect themselves from alien threats. When an alien spacecraft approaches Mars, Tilloo's adventurous spirit inadvertently puts him in a position to witness and understand the complexities of interstellar interactions. The story explores themes of curiosity, the unknown, and the ethical considerations of encountering extraterrestrial life.

Comprehensive Check Page 47

Question 1. How does Tilloo manage to find his way to the ‘forbidden passage’?

Answer: Tilloo manages to find his way to the ‘forbidden passage’ by cleverly using his father's security card. Observing where his father keeps the card, Tilloo takes it while his father is asleep and uses it to access the restricted area. His curiosity and determination drive him to explore beyond the boundaries set by his community.

Question 2. What did Tilloo hope to see once he emerged from his underground home?

Answer: Tilloo hoped to see the sun or the stars once he emerged from his underground home. He was curious about the surface of Mars and wanted to experience the outside world that he had only heard about but had never seen due to the constraints of living in an underground colony.

Question 3. Why did Tilloo’s father advise him not to try to reach the surface of the planet?

Answer: Tilloo’s father advised him not to try to reach the surface of the planet because it was extremely inhospitable and dangerous. The surface of Mars had harsh environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures and a thin, unbreathable atmosphere, which made it unsuitable and unsafe for human survival without proper protection.

Question 4. What changes had occurred, which forced people to live in underground homes?

Answer: The changes that forced people to live in underground homes on Mars were primarily environmental. Mars' surface had become extremely inhospitable due to its harsh climate, with severe temperatures, a thin atmosphere, and intense radiation from the sun. These conditions made it impossible for people to live on the surface, necessitating the construction of subterranean homes to provide a safe and sustainable living environment.

Comprehensive Check Page 49

Question 1. Why was everyone in the Control Room greatly excited?

Answer: Everyone in the Control Room was greatly excited because they had detected an alien spacecraft approaching Mars. This was a significant and unprecedented event, as it indicated the possibility of contact with extraterrestrial life. The prospect of encountering and communicating with beings from another planet generated a mix of excitement, curiosity, and anticipation among the team.

Question 2. Was the spacecraft manned or unmanned? How do you know it?

Answer: The spacecraft was unmanned. This is evident from the description of the alien spacecraft as a "probe," which typically refers to a robotic vehicle sent to explore and gather information without human presence. Additionally, the narrative in "An Alien Hand" does not mention any aliens or beings aboard the spacecraft, further indicating that it was an unmanned probe.

Question 3. What did Number One and Number Two suggest should be done about the alien spacecraft?

Answer: Number One suggested that the alien spacecraft should be destroyed to prevent any potential threat to their planet. On the other hand, Number Two proposed that they should wait and observe the spacecraft's actions before taking any drastic measures. This cautious approach aimed to gather more information and avoid unnecessary aggression.

Comprehensive Check Page 51

Question 1. What do you think the mechanical hand was trying to do?

Answer: The mechanical hand was likely trying to collect samples or data from the surface of Mars. As part of the alien probe, its function would be to gather information about the Martian environment, such as soil composition, atmospheric conditions, or other scientific data, to send back to its origin for analysis. This is a common objective for unmanned exploratory probes sent to other planets.

Question 2. Tilloo pressed the red button and “the damage was done”. What was the damage?

Answer: When Tilloo pressed the red button, he inadvertently triggered the defence mechanism of the Control Room, which resulted in the destruction of the alien spacecraft. The "damage" refers to the spacecraft being destroyed before it could complete its mission of exploration and data collection. This action not only ended the opportunity for peaceful observation and potential future contact but also disrupted the mission of the alien probe.

Question 3. Where had the spacecraft come from?

Answer: The spacecraft had come from another planet, presumably from a civilization beyond Earth. The story doesn't specify the exact origin of the spacecraft, but it is implied to be from an alien civilization exploring the cosmos.

Question 4. On which planet do Tilloo and his parents live?

Answer: Tilloo and his parents live on Mars.




Discuss the following topics in groups

Question 1. If you had to live in a home like Tilloo’s, what parts of life would you find most difficult? What compensation might there be?

Answer: Living in an underground home like Tilloo's might pose challenges in adapting to the confined living space, lack of natural sunlight, and restricted access to the outside world. Adjusting to a regulated environment and limited social interactions could also be difficult. However, the compensation might include safety from harsh environmental conditions on the planet's surface, advanced technology for comfort, and a sense of community within the underground colony.

Question 2. What, if anything, might drive mankind to make their homes underground?

Answer: Mankind might be driven to make their homes underground due to various factors such as overpopulation, environmental degradation, extreme climate conditions, or even the necessity to escape potential threats like warfare or natural disasters on the surface. Additionally, advancements in technology and engineering could make underground living more feasible and sustainable, offering protection and resource efficiency in an increasingly crowded and challenging world.

Question 3. Do you think there is life on another planet? Can you guess what kind of people there may be on them? In what ways are they likely to be different from us?

Answer: As an AI, I don't have personal beliefs, but scientifically, the possibility of life on other planets is a topic of ongoing research and speculation. If life does exist on other planets, it could manifest in various forms, depending on the planet's conditions. Extraterrestrial life forms might differ from humans in terms of physiology, biochemistry, and even consciousness. They may have adapted to their planet's environment in ways that are vastly different from life on Earth. Their societal structures, cultural norms, and technological advancements could also diverge significantly from ours, depending on their evolutionary path and history.

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