A House, A Home - English_6th - Poem-3 | Tulip-Series |


Book Cover English Tulip Series Class 6th

Poems - English 6th - Tulip Series

Poem 3: A House, A Home (Lorraine M. Hali)
What is a house?
It’s brick and stone
and wood that’s hard.
Some window glass,
and perhaps a yard.
It’s eaves and chimneys
and tile floors
and stucco and roof
and lots of doors.
What is a home?
It’s loving and family
and doing for others.
It’s brothers and sister
and fathers and mothers.
It’s unselfish acts
and kindly sharing
and showing your loved ones
you’re always caring.
Q1. Do you agree with what the poet says? Talk to your partner and complete these sentences.
(i) A house is made of …….
Ans. A house is made of bricks, stone, cement, iron, and wood.
(ii) It has …..
Ans. It has many rooms, stories, white floors, tiled bathrooms, bedrooms, study rooms, dining tables, etc.
(ii) A home is made by ….
Ans. A home is made by the toil of the head of the family with the help of the entire family.
(iv) It has ….
Ans. It has a grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brothers, and sisters.
Q2. Now complete these sentences about your house and home.
(i) My house is ….
Ans. My house is made of bricks, stone, cement, iron, and wood. It has four rooms, two tiled bathrooms, and a storeroom.
(ii) The best thing about my home is ….
Ans. The best thing about my home is that there live an honest, noble, sympathetic, and loving family.
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