A Different Kind of School-Lesson 1- Class 6th by E.V. Lucas


Book Cover English Tulip Series Class 6th

Lesson 1: A Different Kind of School
E. V. Lucas
Words to Remember
Kind:               Gentle and considerate towards othersمہربان - رحم دل-
Plump:             Stout; pleasantly fatجسیم – موٹا-                
Responsible:    Aware of one’s dutiesجواب دہ     -   ذمہ دار-
At play:           Playingکھیل رہا- 
Hopeless:         Unfortunate; without hopeنا اُمید – مایوس-
Lame day:       Day on which students act as if they were lameلنگڑوں کا دن-
Misfortune:     Unfortunate condition; bad luckبد قسمت-
Misery:            Difficulty; unpleasantnessمُشکِل-پریشان-
Thoughtless:    Carelessبےفِکر-
Awful:             Badخوفناک-
Troublesome:   Difficultمُشکل-
Gradually:       Slowlyآہستہ آہستہ-


A. Put these sentences from the story in the right order and write them out in a paragraph.
(Don’t refer to the text. Check your memory).
·         I shall be so glad when today is over.
·         Having a leg tied up and hopping about on a crutch is almost fun, I guess.
·         I don’t think I’ll mind being deaf for a day­–at least not much.
·         But being blind is so frightening.
·         Only you must tell me about things.
·         Let’s go for a little walk.
·         The other bad days can’t be half as bad as this.
Ans. The paragraph is as under:
Let’s go for a little walk. Only you must tell me about things. I shall be so glad when today is over. The other bad days can’t be half as bad as this. Having a leg tied up and hopping about on a crutch is almost fun, I guess. I don’t think I’ll mind being deaf for a day­–at least not much. But being blind is so frightening.
B. Answer the following questions:
Q1. Why do you think the writer visited Miss Beam’s school?
Ans. The writer had a great deal about Miss Beam’s school, so he went to see in what way Miss Beam’s school is different from other schools.
Q2. What was the ‘game’ that every child in the school had to play?
Ans. Every child had to play the game of misfortune which was way of acting as a blind on a blind day, a lame on a lame day, deaf on a deaf day, injured on an injured day, and dumb on a dumb day.
Q3. “Each term every child has one blind day, one lame day….” Complete the line. Which day was the hardest? Why was it the hardest?
Ans. Each term every child has one blind day, one lame day, one deaf day, one injured day, and one dumb day. The blind day seems to be hardest as per the writer because it is very hard to walk when eyes are bandaged and one needs help with everything.
Q4. What was the purpose of these special days?
Ans. The purpose of these special days was to realize the children about the misfortune of disabled children and also make them share their joys with them so that they would feel that they are not among the misfortune children.
A Different Kind of School
A. Match the words and phrases with their meanings in the box below:
T shaped support for a lame person fitting under the armpit,     it hurts me,        frightful, happy, almost or very nearly,  intense feeling of returning home after being away from it,       bad luck,  not very caring
1. Homesick              intense feeling of returning home after being away from it
2. Practically             almost or very nearly
3. It pains me             it hurts me
4. Jolly                      happy
5. Thoughtless           not very caring
6. Crutch                   T shaped support for a lame person fitting under the armpit
7. Misfortune             bad luck
8. Ghastly                 frightful

B. Write these lines in order from the story: (Change pronoun or speech)
1. I had heard a great deal about Miss Beam’s school.
2. Miss Beam was all that I had expected  middle-aged, full of authority.
3. I went to the window which overlooked a large garden.
4. “We cannot bandage the children’s mouths, so they really have to exercise their will power.”
1. The writer had heard a great deal about Miss Beam’s school.
2. The writer found Miss Beam was all that he had expected  middle-aged, full of authority.
3. The writer went to the window which overlooked a large garden.
4. Miss Beam tells the writer that they cannot bandage the children’s mouths so that they can realize the exercise of their will power.
C. Make a list of:
(a) all the words that begin with terr-.
Ans. Terrace, terrible, terrify, territory
(b) Five words that may follow the last word, that.
Ans. That, thatch, thaught, thaw, the Theaceae, theater
(c) Write down your own meaning of the word ‘thank’. Then write down the meaning given in the dictionary.
Ans. Express gratitude or show appreciation to, to say we are grateful to someone
D. A poem for you to read:
All but blind                                      All but blind
In his chambered hole                      In the burning day
Gropes for worms                             The Barn Owl blunders
The four-clawed Mole                      On her way

All but blind                                      All but blind
In the evening sky                             These three to me
The hooted Bat                                  So, blind to Someone
Twirls softly by                                  I must be.

                                                                                    (Walter de la Mare)
I. Cross out the wrong words in the following sentences:
i. All the children in Miss Beam’s school took the games, seerious/seriously. Serious
ii. The bandaged girl walked careful/carefully to avoid hitting a thing. Careful
iii. Miss Beam bandaged the girl complete/completely. Complete
iv. The visitor felt unhappy/unhappily after leaving school. Unhappily
v. Miss Beam expected her children to arrive punctual/punctually. Punctual
II. Complete the following questions by using is/am/are or a wh-word:
i)  ‘Is Majid writing a letter to his father?’ ‘No, he isn’t.’
ii) ‘Where are you going this morning?’ ‘To my sister’s house.’
iii) ‘Are your friends coming to the picnic?’ ‘Only one.’
iv) ‘Is Tashi visiting Leh again?’ ‘I think so.’
v) ‘Is he planning to go by bus or by air? ‘I believe, by air!

A. Make a shortlist of things you find difficult to do.
i) Touching an electric wire while electric current.
ii) Comparing the race of train.
iii) Going nearer to lion when in a cage.
iv) Looking towards the sun.
B. Look at your hands. Now, write down for each finger one action for which that finger is particularly important. For example, the second (or index) finger helps to hold the knife down firmly when cutting.
Forefinger: It is also known as the index or the first finger is used to represent the number 1. It is used for pointing towards something or someone. It signifies Tawhid in Islam which means invisible oneness of Allah.
Middle finger: This finger is between forefinger and little finger. It is also called a ring finger. In most countries, people wear rings, in this finger.
Little finger: This is the smallest of all the five fingers in the hand. It is sometimes used to make a promise by wrapping with another person’s same finger.

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