How Teachers Learn | Prose 1 | English 8th | Tulip Series | (John Holt)

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How Teachers Learn | Prose 1 | English 8th | Tulip Series | (John Holt)


Brief Summary

The lesson ‘How Teachers Learn’ written by John Holt is actually a guide for those teachers who face problems while teaching primary class learners. This lesson helps teachers to overcome or tackle the situation in primary classes. Nora and her teacher are the main characters in this lesson. Nora is a five-year-old girl child. Nora faces some problems in recognizing words while reading and her teacher helps her to overcome this problem. During this process, an experience pops out into the mind of the teacher which he resembles with Nora’s learning. This helps the teacher to help Nora to recognize words easily.




Q1. Who was Nora? How did she become a friend of the teacher? 

 Ans: Nora was a five-year-old girl child. The teacher visited her family over the weekend. This is because of this visit they became friends.

Q2. How did the teacher observe Nora while learning?

Ans: Most of the time the teacher sat still and silent but when she seemed badly stuck sometimes he either suggested her to figure out or told her to skip the word, but sometimes he used to tell her the word when she insisted.

Q3. What an odd thing happened with Nora? Why was the teacher puzzled? 

Ans. While Nora was reading, an odd thing happened to her. She misread a word that previously she had read correctly. This made the teacher feel annoyed and puzzled because she had read the same word correctly earlier.

Remember - a teacher is a guide but not a guard.

Q4. Was Nora a careless child? How do you know?

 Ans. No, Nora was not a careless child because she was very good at learning. She was putting all her concentration into reading the book.

Q5. How should a teacher understand the problems of the children?

Ans. To understand the learning problem of the children, a teacher must try to see things through their eyes. For a child who has just only seen the word for the first time, it is not easy but difficult for him to remember the word.

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Q6. What experience popped into the mind of the teacher's mind after Nora's learning problem?

Ans. The experience that popped out into the mind of the teacher was a sheet of different languages unknown to him. The page looked like a jumble of words for him. Whatever the teacher did to overcome that problem he resembled the same with Nora's learning.

Q7. Why are children of unlettered homes at a disadvantage? 

Ans. Children of unlettered homes do not have familiarity with the shapes of words and letters from the beginning of their learning. Since there is no one to watch and observe them at their homes, so they are at a disadvantage.

Q8. How did the teacher learn from Nora?

Ans. The teacher learned about the problems faced by the children by observing Nora while her reading and learning, and from that experience, he learned how to tackle these problems while teaching.

Also Read: Life by Ram Nath Shastri – Class 8th English

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1. In the text, the author keeps using the American expression, ‘to figure out’. Which of the following word or phrases is closest in meaning to the expression as it is used in the passage?

(a) To guess             (b) to recognize           (c) to reason out         (d) to decide

Ans. Mostly the meaning of the given expression ‘to figure out’ is ‘to understand’. But when we read the passage of the lesson, the teacher makes the child recognize the words by suggesting her to figure them out. So in this way, we can say the meaning of the expression may ‘to recognize’.

2. The second sentence of each of the sentences is written below:

(a)    He loaned me some clothes. I lent them.

(b)   He sold me an old piano.  I purchased it.

(c)    He chased me.  I ran away.

(d)   I gave him a glass of water.  He received it.

(e)    We conquered the enemy. They were defeated.

3. Suffixes of given words are given below:

Alphabet……………… Alphabetical

Angel…………………. Angelic, Angler, Anglican

Shape…………………. Shapeless

Book………………….. Bookish

Man…………………… Manhood(n), Manish(adj)

Government…………… Governmental

Minister………………… Ministerial

Elephant……………….. Elephantine

Tiger…………………… tigress

Day……………………..  Daily

College…………………. Collegiate

4. Message to Asif:


Dear Asif,

Khalid had called me that he will be 1 hour late for dinner, which you and Khalid have planned to have at Ahdoo’s at 9 pm. He will be late because he has to complete an assignment at the office.



Also Read: Grammar andComposition


I. Fill in the blanks by using the past participle forms of given verbs:

Write,         Rent,        Forget,      Break,        Cook

1. I am living in a rented house.

2. It is not safe to sit in a broken chair.

3. Some people do not like cooked vegetables.

4. The headmaster wanted a written report.

5. That is a forgotten quarrel.

II.   Using the words and phrases given, make sentences like in the example given below:

Example: we/ the doors/ have/painted/ shall.

We shall have the doors painted.

1. made/ I/ a new suit/ had.

I had made a new suit.

2. she/ heard/ has never/ spoken/ French.

She has never heard spoken French.

3. respected/ makes/ his knowledge/ him.

His knowledge makes him respected.

4. I/ your names/ heard/ called.

I heard your names called.

5. work/ we/ want this/ quickly/ done.

We want this work quickly done. 

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